Agile Model
Agile model is a best software development model to develop a software depends on four points.

Agile Manifesto
- Individuals and interactions over process & tools.
- Working software over comprehensive documentation.
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
- Responding to change over following plan.
From the above four points agile model is light weight model .It is not plan based because it is people based.
In advanced SDLC models, agile scrum is popular model. Because in this model developers and testers keep maintain interactions with customer site people to develop a quality software.
Here agile scrum model is working as incremental spiral model means developing a software instalment by instalment and allowing enhancements.
Note : Here each instalment of software is called as sprint Or Potentially shippable piece of software is called as sprint.

Where PO – Product owner
SM – Scrum Master
Sprint – A piece of software.
From the Agile scrum meetings are called ceremonies. People are called as scrum team. Documents are called artefacts.
- Kick off meeting
- Product backlog grooming meeting
- Sprint planning meeting
- Daily scrum meet/stand up
- Sprint review meeting
- Sprint retrospective meeting
- Product backlog refinement meeting.
Scrum Team
- Scrum Master
- Developers
- Testers
Note : CEO, PO, Customer and stakeholders are related to agile model but they are not called as scrum team members.
- Product backlog.
- Sprint backlog.
- Design documents.
- Test scenarios and test cases.
- Defect reports.
- Automation programs.
- Sprint burn down chart.
Product Owner responsibilities
- CEO can select PO (product owner) under guidance of customer and their stakeholders.
- PO is responsible to gather requirements of customer and analyse those requirements as user stories.
- Decide release date and content of every sprint.
- Responsible for ROI (return on investment).
- Prioritize features and exist features from sprint to sprint.
- Responsible to accept or reject the work results of scrum team.
SCRUM Master Responsibilities
- Represents management (not manager, just facilitator) to the project.
- Responsible for work deadlines.
- Remove impediments or problems of developers and testers.
- Responsible to improve skill of developers and tester related to current project.
- Responsible to create good communication channels between developers and testers.
- Protect the team from external interferences.
Developer’s responsibilities
- Developers can study product backlog to understand customer requirements.
- Developers can design HLD and LLD for current sprint.
- Develop programs and conduct unit testing.
- Interconnect programs to build a sprint, conduct integration testing.
- Fixing (solving) bugs reported by testers in current sprint.
- Participate in daily scrum meet.
Tester Responsibilities
- Study product backlog to understand project requirement.
- Prepare test scenarios and test cases and test data.
- Develop automation programs by using selenium and QTP.
- Execute test on sprint to detect defects.
- Report defects to developers.
- Confirm correctness of bug fixing by developers.
- Participate in daily scrum meet.

1. Kick of meetings
The first meeting related to agile scrum model is kick of meeting, in this meeting higher management of company (CEO) can select Product Owner (PO) to handle current project/product. This selection must be approved by customer and their stockholders.
2 .Product backlog grooming meeting:
The selected PO can go through customer site and gather all customer requirements and then document those requirements as user stories. If any requirement is big (epic), PO can divide that requirement into sub requirements.
While preparing user stories related to customer requirement, corresponding PO can take help of SME’s (subject matter experts). (SME’s are freelancers and they are experts to corresponding domain. In product backlog grooming meeting. PO can finalized document with all user stories with priorities call it as product backlog.
3. Sprint Planning Meeting
As per agile model manifesto, we can develop software as increment by increment, here every increment is called as sprint.
In sprint planning meeting PO can sit with scrum team and scrum master to decide user stories for current sprint from product backlog.
Product backlog converts into multiple sprint backlogs.
Sometimes PO can adjust sprint backlogs with respect to customer and stakeholder feedback.
4. Daily Scrum meet
Scrum team is formation of 6 to 10 members. With 3:1 ratio of developers and testers.
This team is working under the guidance of PO and control of SM.
This scrum team can take 2 to 4 weeks of time to finish one sprint development and testing completely.
During 2 to 4 weeks of sprint development and testing, scrum team along with SM, and PO can conduct daily scrum meeting.
In this meeting, scrum team can discuss with customers and stakeholders regarding work status.
EX :( meeting at end of the day)
What we did today?
What are going to do tomorrow?
EX : (meeting at the starting of the day)
What we did yesterday?
What are we doing today?
5. Sprint review meeting
When one sprint is ready, scrum team can joined with scrum master and PO to get final feedback from customer and their stakeholders. By showing final sprint screen to screen. This meeting will take 2 to 3 hours’ time.
If any suggestions given by customers, scrum team can perform rapid changes in that sprint before release.
6. Sprint retrospective meeting
This meeting is a private meeting of scrum team.
Scrum master can conduct this meeting with scrum team members without involvement of PO and customer and stakeholders.
In this meeting SM can take feedback of scrum team members on last one month sprint process before going to next sprint.
This meeting is useful for knowing obstacles (problems). In team and perform changes in team.
Note : a team level changes are not possible in middle of the sprint, but team level changes are acceptable after completion of current sprint and before going to the next sprint.
7. Product backlog refinement meeting:
After completion of retrospective meeting, scrum team can joined with PO, SM, customer and their stakeholders to discuss changes in user stories of upcoming sprints.
Note :
- During every meeting scrum master can use a time box to calculate meeting time.
- Total size of all scrum teams in a project will be 800, when that project is huge.
- If any changes customer expected in released sprint, CCB will take care of those changes.
If the customer needs any modifications on released sprint or need to implement any other features like adding feature, deleting feature,modifying the feature there CCB will take care of that one. For that management people will hire the freshers and train them accordingly.

Paavani Tumati
QA Engineer
Jan 04, 2020