Rajeshwari Goshika

In today’s digital world, everyone is connected in some way to the World Wide Web in order to satisfy their entertainment, education, research & their needs. The popularity of the Internet has promoted businesses of all sizes to have an online presence in the form of a Website. Having a Website can provide a number of benefits to your business.

In Symphisys, we do develop the world class websites with considering parameters of creative / responsive / secure / flexible for new accommodations.

A website is simply a collection of web pages of codes – codes that describes the format and content on a page

Steps To build a basic Webpage


HTML is the standard markup language for creating WebPages.

Set the doctype to HTML5 with this tag:

<!DOCTYPE HTML> is the first line of your Document. If you leave this out, you will still probably be able to use HTML5 features, but validations will have to guess whether you’re using XHTML or HTML5.

We have to follow the basic structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title </title>
<h1> It is an Heading tag</h1>
<p> It is an paragraph element.</p>

Add the <html> tag and specify the language. This special tag indicates the beginning of a web page. And it is an root tag for our Document. It’s best to indicate which language the page is written in. Specify lang = “en“ for English .Be sure to have </html> tag at the bottom of the page to indicate the end of the page you began with the <html> tag at the beginning of the page.

Create a <head> area. The head is like the engine compartment of a car. People don’t usually go there, but there is a lot of important machinery. The head is empty in this simple example, but it will fill up with external links of JavaScript and CSS goodness enough.

Put in a title with <title> </title> . The title typically appears in the web browser title bar and will also often appear in search engine results for your page.

Now we include all the elements in <body> tags . If the head area is the engine compartment, the body is the passenger space. Most of the text visible on the website is part of the body . Use the element <body> to separate the actual content of your webpage .The </body> tag is usually right before the </html> tag, as you’ll typically finish off the body and then close off the HTML.

Most HTML –Elements looks like the <p></p> Element , but some are we call empty elements. For Example Line-break element.

Semantic Elements in HTML

Semantic Html elements are clearly describe their meaning in a human and machine-readable way .Elements such as <header> , <footer> and <article> are all considered semantic because they accurately describe the purpose of the element and the type of content that is inside them.

  • <article>
  • <aside>
  • <details>
  • <figcaption>
  • <figure>
  • <footer>
  • <header>
  • <main>
  • <mark>
  • <nav>
  • <section>
  • <summary> this are the examples for Semantic elements

There are several text tags that you can use to stylize your content .You can change your font as italic , bold ,or underline text.

Use heading tags and all the tags to describe your design.

Finally, Save your file with the .html extension. You can then load your file into a browser to see how it looks. Without this extension we cannot render our page in browser